Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Problem...I Think...I Can Fix?

So when I came back in Jan. from Costa Rica I ordered a new Debit Card because mine is old and I didn't want it to stop working for me in C.R. So I go up to the bank and they order it and say it is going to be about a week and a half for it to come in the mail. Well they have this new thing where you type in your pin for the card you are replacing. I don't remember my pin because I havn't used my pin for 6 months. She gives me a number pad to look at for me to type in my number. So I think I have the pin right so I type it in. After she has already put the info in the computer and sent it off to the head office I realized that I had typed the wrong pin. She said there is nothing that she can do now. So I had a hope that they would send the pin with the card. That was a No Go. I didn't have time to fix it before I left to go back.

I just got back from the bank and they still can't help me. The only thing they can do is order a new card for me. I don't trust a new Debit Card being sent in the mail to C.R. They would hock it in no time flat. They hocked a box that was sent to me and they left some of the food half eatten in the box when I finally had to pay 75 dollars to get it out of the post office.

So I have been staring at a number pad (by the way the number pad she gave me to key in on was no like the ATM one, it was backwards) to try to figure out the four numbers that will let me into my account.

So if you pull up and see someone typing in four different codes it will be me.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

To Be Todd's Friend

So I really suck at High Tech things and I couldn't get the MY FRIDAY Logo to my blog. But I am going to post about My Friday.

To start MY Friday: I went to bed at 3:oo in the morning (the day light savings thing has really messed me up). I woke up at 9:15 and just lazyed around the house. Got on the internet and checked blogs and my e-mail all while watching the Tube. Made coffee for me and my mom, but I only got to drink a couple of sips and then I had to drive my mom to work. Then I came back home and got ready to leave. I decided to ride my bike to save on gas and to get a work-out to loss some weight. I rode my bike up to the church (yall know which one) to help the Senior Adults make some peanut-butter sandwhiches for the homeless people in Houston for Saturday. Ended up seeing and talking to Ben Harbuck (anyone remember that family?) Had a good semi-religious conversation with him. Along the lines of Religion and how others see us on the outside and disregaurd what is on the inside. Like if we are christians or not or if we do drugs just because of how we look on the outside, Labels, Judgements, and how sometimes christians judge first before even talking to the person. It was a good conversation.

Then at 2:30 I rode my bike to the Mall to get a Snow Cone. Hung out with my Bubba (aka Travis Kirtley) and helped him do Snow Cones and run the register till he had to leave. Poor thing was by him self and bored till I got there. It wasn't very buzy then it got a little bit buzy. I left at 4:40 and rode my bike home. Just so yall know it was very hot on Friday in Lufkin and the last leg of my trip was hard because it was up hill.

Got home called a friend (Bruce and Terry Runnels) that I was suppose to hang with that night and left a message because they weren't home. Washed the sweat off of me and got on the internet while I waited for a call back. They call me and I change clothes and meet them at Cheedars to eat then back to their house to just hang and talk. Got home at like 10:45 and then fell asleep at 12:15.

And that is My Friday!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Blessed Surrvey

My sister, Susie tagged me so here goes!
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read the player's blog.
4. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answer.

What were you doing 5 years ago?
1. Finishing my Last Year at Central Baptist College
2. Working as my English teachers Helpper
3. Working at Daniel Springs Encampment during the Summer
4. Appling for a job at Susie´s job (First Christian DayCare)
5. Getting away from Church

What are 5 things on your to-do list today (not in any particular order)?
1. Go to Work
2. Go to Internet Cafe
3. Write a mass e-mail (may not happen)
4. Grade Test and get Make up work together
5. Say Goodbye to a Friend and not be sad for my Birthday

What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
1. Sunflower Seeds
2. Avacado Dip (I make a good one)
3. Cereal (Dry or with Milk)
4. Oreo Cookies with Milk
5. M&Ms (I don´t share)

What 5 things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. Tithe to God (I did not say any particular Church or Mission)
2. Pay off my debts
3. Buy a nice Truck, SUV, and a Jaguar
4. Build a house for everyone in my Family (including my self)
5. Go on Mission Trips and Give to Missionarys that I know

What are 5 of your bad habits?
1. Not updating Blogger or My Space
2. Staying up late when I get up early
3. Not cleaning my room
4. Choosing to do fun things when I have work to do
5. (You Choose)

What are 5 jobs you have had?
1. Babysitter ( A good one at that)
2. Snack shop worker (at College)
3. Cafeteria Cutie (at Camp)
4. Pre-School worker (all ages)
5. Missionary Teacher

What are 5 places you have lived?
1. Lufkin, TX
2. Okalhoma City, Oklahoma
3. Dallas, TX
4. Arkansas
5. Costa Rica

What 5 people do you want to tag?
1. No one
2. No one knows
3.No one Knows that I
4. No one knows that I still have
5. No one knows that I still have a Blog!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Crazy Few Weeks Ahead!

Hey from the small country of Costa Rica! This week and the next one to follow are going to be very buzy and crazy. I had Two students from the Kindergarten class enter my room on Tuesday because they had been in kindergarten for like two and a half years. Then today I had a new student come into my class and I had to figure out what she knew and what she didn´t know and what Spanish class she will be in. Then on top of all of that we had a teacher quit and now my schedule got all messed up because it affected when my students go to Spanish. Oh and I might also get another Kindergarten student next week. So I know have to redo everything that I had set and in a routine and go back to step one again. I feel as if just as I get something down and it starts to flow, God comes in and says "Think again, I am not done with you just yet. This journey your on is not over and it is not going to be easy." As Scotty Foster would say "If it was easy everyone would do it!" So I am now at a point where I don´t know if I should Cry to, Pray to, or Praise God or if I should just be mad and upset with him for bringing me here to Costa Rica. I know that in the end it will be Okay and I will question myself for even being stressed and for doubting. But for right now in the moment it seems to BIG and COMPLICATED. I think that after these next 2 weeks I will be fine and then in like 3 or 4 weeks God will bring something else my way. I will let Yall know. Love and Miss all of yall.
Love from C.R.,
Sarah J. Moore

Friday, August 31, 2007

I Made It One Month In Costa Rica

Hey To You Who Ever You Are,

I just now realized that I have been in Costa Rica (C.R.) for a whole month now. For 31 days I have been in another Country away from family and close friends. I have started to make some new friends and connections. I am also working on my Spanish and helping those who work in my school get better at their English. I am doing well, besides the occasional think of home, family, friends, old times, and memories and crying about it.

I am finding out that my job is going to constantly change this whole semester. It is nothing really like American schools. I will in the next week or two get three kids from the kindergarten class because they have been in there for like two or three years. How this happened I do not know, but they are all 7 years old. And at the End of September I will be getting a first grader from the states. I might also be getting another student in two weeks who was an orphan and is getting adopted, but we have to wait on the paper work. I will probably not come home for Christmas until the 23rd of December. Claudia and Manuel are making shoeboxes for here and passing them out and I am going to stay and help them with that. They also do a ministry like North Lufkin two Saturdays a month and I am getting involved with it.

That is about all for now from Costa Rica. Have a Great day and Weekend. Love and Miss you all.
Love from C.R.,
Sarah J. Moore

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

How I Ended Up In Costa Rica Part 2

So I didn´t get the job for the Boys Ranch and decided that I would apply for a job at the hospital being a surgery transporter. I have always wanted to be a transporter at the hospital because it sounded like a fun job. I figured with the surgery transporter job that I could pray over the people before they went to surgery. I never applied for the job, I just never got around to it. Time was getting to be a problem when it came to being in need of a job. On July 11, 2007 Barb Robertson called me saying she had just gotten an e-mail about a teaching job in Costa Rica. She thought of me and called me up to tell me about it. Now I had be planing on getting another tattoo the next day and had saved up money to do so. When Barb told me about the job I got really scared and thought dang now I can´t get my new tat because I might have to save money to go to Costa Rica. I didn´t really think I would go or end up in Costa Rica. I knew for some reason that I wasn´t suppose to be a part of the College Group, Kids Choir, or anything else because I didn´t know what God wanted me to do come August. Barb told me to Pray and seek Advice or Counsel from people that I trusted. So I did just that. Everybody that I talked to about thinking about applying for the Costa Rician job was very excited and supportive. I had a couple of family members who are not saved be against the whole thing, but that was okay because they were not going to change my mind. I decided to go a head and apply for the job. I had nothing to lose, I wasn´t going to have a job come August, it was a great opportunity, and I had nothing here(besides family and friends) keeping me in the States. So on like Sunday night the 22 or 23 Barb sent in my application. By this time I knew deep down that I was going to Costa Rica. On Monday Barb called me and started with a little bit of chit chat and then asked me if I was ready because I was going to Costa Rica. Now before I even applied for the job I told my parents and my Susie. Now my mom was all for it and my dad was very iffy because I was his oldest and his daughter and I was going to be away from him. I have all ways been very independent also and now he wasn´t going to be there at all near by. Now my mom really didn´t like the idea when she found out I was leaving. I was going to have to leave on August the 1st,2007 to get things ready for school because the first day of class was on August 6. My mom thought that I would leave in September and that is why she didn´t like the ideal of Costa Rica. I had like a week and a half before I left to go to Costa Rica when I found out that I got the job. And in that week God was working every step of the way, so I know that I know that this is where I am suppose to be at this time in my Story of my Life that I began with God. I will try to write more next time I am able to get to a computer. Some times I have to pay for an hour of Internet and with reading e-mails, writing e-mails, and trying to post a blog that hour goes by fast. So I apologies if I don´t blog all the time. Love from Costa Rica Sarah J.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

How I Ended Up In Costa Rica

It is a weird but funny story. God told me in the Fall of 2006 to not resign my contract for work. I was like okay God whatever. Then the time to resign contracts came up in the Spring of 2007. I took the letter thing we had to sign and placed it on the alter at church one Saturday night and I prayed and cried over that thing. God gave me scriptures that I wrote on the outside of the enevolope. I knew that God wasn´t going to let me be 100% sure about my decesion that I was going to make. He was going to make me have faith in him. So I asked God to let me be Gideon and test him abit. I asked God on that night that he would give me a peace that I didn´t understand when I placed that enevolope on my boss´s desk, no matter what I marked. I prayed some more on Sunday and then on Monday I placed the enevolpe on my boss´s desk markedwith the reply that I would not be coming back next year to teach. I was okay with the decsion I had made. I was working the summer term and I figured I could save up money to hold me over while I looked for a job during August. I started to get a little worried when I only had 2 months left till I was jobless. So I applied to work at the Boys Ranch that Danielle works at. I just knew that God had sent this job to me and that I would be perfect at it. So I applied for it and started to add up all the money I would be making. It was going to be more than I had ever made. But I got the call that I didn´t get the job because they needed someone right away and I am not one of those people who just leave their job when they have committed to work till a certain day. I will have to write more later beacuse my time is up.