Friday, August 31, 2007

I Made It One Month In Costa Rica

Hey To You Who Ever You Are,

I just now realized that I have been in Costa Rica (C.R.) for a whole month now. For 31 days I have been in another Country away from family and close friends. I have started to make some new friends and connections. I am also working on my Spanish and helping those who work in my school get better at their English. I am doing well, besides the occasional think of home, family, friends, old times, and memories and crying about it.

I am finding out that my job is going to constantly change this whole semester. It is nothing really like American schools. I will in the next week or two get three kids from the kindergarten class because they have been in there for like two or three years. How this happened I do not know, but they are all 7 years old. And at the End of September I will be getting a first grader from the states. I might also be getting another student in two weeks who was an orphan and is getting adopted, but we have to wait on the paper work. I will probably not come home for Christmas until the 23rd of December. Claudia and Manuel are making shoeboxes for here and passing them out and I am going to stay and help them with that. They also do a ministry like North Lufkin two Saturdays a month and I am getting involved with it.

That is about all for now from Costa Rica. Have a Great day and Weekend. Love and Miss you all.
Love from C.R.,
Sarah J. Moore

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

How I Ended Up In Costa Rica Part 2

So I didn´t get the job for the Boys Ranch and decided that I would apply for a job at the hospital being a surgery transporter. I have always wanted to be a transporter at the hospital because it sounded like a fun job. I figured with the surgery transporter job that I could pray over the people before they went to surgery. I never applied for the job, I just never got around to it. Time was getting to be a problem when it came to being in need of a job. On July 11, 2007 Barb Robertson called me saying she had just gotten an e-mail about a teaching job in Costa Rica. She thought of me and called me up to tell me about it. Now I had be planing on getting another tattoo the next day and had saved up money to do so. When Barb told me about the job I got really scared and thought dang now I can´t get my new tat because I might have to save money to go to Costa Rica. I didn´t really think I would go or end up in Costa Rica. I knew for some reason that I wasn´t suppose to be a part of the College Group, Kids Choir, or anything else because I didn´t know what God wanted me to do come August. Barb told me to Pray and seek Advice or Counsel from people that I trusted. So I did just that. Everybody that I talked to about thinking about applying for the Costa Rician job was very excited and supportive. I had a couple of family members who are not saved be against the whole thing, but that was okay because they were not going to change my mind. I decided to go a head and apply for the job. I had nothing to lose, I wasn´t going to have a job come August, it was a great opportunity, and I had nothing here(besides family and friends) keeping me in the States. So on like Sunday night the 22 or 23 Barb sent in my application. By this time I knew deep down that I was going to Costa Rica. On Monday Barb called me and started with a little bit of chit chat and then asked me if I was ready because I was going to Costa Rica. Now before I even applied for the job I told my parents and my Susie. Now my mom was all for it and my dad was very iffy because I was his oldest and his daughter and I was going to be away from him. I have all ways been very independent also and now he wasn´t going to be there at all near by. Now my mom really didn´t like the idea when she found out I was leaving. I was going to have to leave on August the 1st,2007 to get things ready for school because the first day of class was on August 6. My mom thought that I would leave in September and that is why she didn´t like the ideal of Costa Rica. I had like a week and a half before I left to go to Costa Rica when I found out that I got the job. And in that week God was working every step of the way, so I know that I know that this is where I am suppose to be at this time in my Story of my Life that I began with God. I will try to write more next time I am able to get to a computer. Some times I have to pay for an hour of Internet and with reading e-mails, writing e-mails, and trying to post a blog that hour goes by fast. So I apologies if I don´t blog all the time. Love from Costa Rica Sarah J.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

How I Ended Up In Costa Rica

It is a weird but funny story. God told me in the Fall of 2006 to not resign my contract for work. I was like okay God whatever. Then the time to resign contracts came up in the Spring of 2007. I took the letter thing we had to sign and placed it on the alter at church one Saturday night and I prayed and cried over that thing. God gave me scriptures that I wrote on the outside of the enevolope. I knew that God wasn´t going to let me be 100% sure about my decesion that I was going to make. He was going to make me have faith in him. So I asked God to let me be Gideon and test him abit. I asked God on that night that he would give me a peace that I didn´t understand when I placed that enevolope on my boss´s desk, no matter what I marked. I prayed some more on Sunday and then on Monday I placed the enevolpe on my boss´s desk markedwith the reply that I would not be coming back next year to teach. I was okay with the decsion I had made. I was working the summer term and I figured I could save up money to hold me over while I looked for a job during August. I started to get a little worried when I only had 2 months left till I was jobless. So I applied to work at the Boys Ranch that Danielle works at. I just knew that God had sent this job to me and that I would be perfect at it. So I applied for it and started to add up all the money I would be making. It was going to be more than I had ever made. But I got the call that I didn´t get the job because they needed someone right away and I am not one of those people who just leave their job when they have committed to work till a certain day. I will have to write more later beacuse my time is up.