Saturday, July 26, 2008

To Be Todd's Friend

So I really suck at High Tech things and I couldn't get the MY FRIDAY Logo to my blog. But I am going to post about My Friday.

To start MY Friday: I went to bed at 3:oo in the morning (the day light savings thing has really messed me up). I woke up at 9:15 and just lazyed around the house. Got on the internet and checked blogs and my e-mail all while watching the Tube. Made coffee for me and my mom, but I only got to drink a couple of sips and then I had to drive my mom to work. Then I came back home and got ready to leave. I decided to ride my bike to save on gas and to get a work-out to loss some weight. I rode my bike up to the church (yall know which one) to help the Senior Adults make some peanut-butter sandwhiches for the homeless people in Houston for Saturday. Ended up seeing and talking to Ben Harbuck (anyone remember that family?) Had a good semi-religious conversation with him. Along the lines of Religion and how others see us on the outside and disregaurd what is on the inside. Like if we are christians or not or if we do drugs just because of how we look on the outside, Labels, Judgements, and how sometimes christians judge first before even talking to the person. It was a good conversation.

Then at 2:30 I rode my bike to the Mall to get a Snow Cone. Hung out with my Bubba (aka Travis Kirtley) and helped him do Snow Cones and run the register till he had to leave. Poor thing was by him self and bored till I got there. It wasn't very buzy then it got a little bit buzy. I left at 4:40 and rode my bike home. Just so yall know it was very hot on Friday in Lufkin and the last leg of my trip was hard because it was up hill.

Got home called a friend (Bruce and Terry Runnels) that I was suppose to hang with that night and left a message because they weren't home. Washed the sweat off of me and got on the internet while I waited for a call back. They call me and I change clothes and meet them at Cheedars to eat then back to their house to just hang and talk. Got home at like 10:45 and then fell asleep at 12:15.

And that is My Friday!

1 comment:

Todd Wright said...

That sounds like a pretty full day. (I think I saw you riding around town, by the way...)